Life After Your Spinal Cord Stimulation Procedure

spinal cord stimulation Spinal cord stimulation is an innovative and effective method of resolving all sorts of conditions. Here’s a little glimpse at what you’ll need to know going into your life after a spinal cord stimulation procedure:

Your Initial Recovery

First and foremost, your life after a successful spinal cord stimulation procedure will involve ensuring that your recovery goes well. You’ll likely be excited to return to a lifestyle free of pain and the physical constraints that came with it. However, taking things slowly is essential to ensure your body has enough time to accept and heal around the stimulation implant.

This means that you’ll need to slowly work your way back up to your normal level of physical fitness. The first few weeks of recovery should involve light exercises—such as walking and climbing steps—with the intensity increasing throughout the month as you feel more comfortable. However, be sure not to overly bend, twist, or strain your lower back until you’re close to the two-month recovery mark.

Remembering the Restrictions

Though your recovery may be finished, there are still some restrictions—reminders, really—that you’ll want to keep in mind now that you’re living with a spinal cord stimulation implant. This will involve remembering which circumstances and situations will require you to power off the implant temporarily. These are meant to not only ensure your safety but also to ensure that the implant itself remains in the best shape possible.

For example, you’ll want to turn off your spinal cord stimulation implant when driving any vehicle, as it can cause distractions and lead to unsafe driving conditions. Likewise, since the implant will be mostly made of metal components, you’ll need to carry a doctor-provided medical card proving you have the implant, as it will likely set off metal detectors and anti-theft devices in places such as stores and airports.

Spinal Cord Stimulation From The Pain Experts of Arizona

If you are living with a condition that could be solved with a spinal cord stimulation procedure, contact The Pain Experts of Arizona today at 480-550-9393. Offering first-class medical service to their surrounding areas and communities, their main offices are conveniently located in Gilbert and Mesa, AZ.


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